Visit the Dunedin Railway Station

Things to see in Dunedin don’t get anymore iconic than standing in front of the Dunedin Railway Station. Take a peek inside the station building with photographer and Rams Bottom tour guide Trev Hill.

Dunedin Railway Station
The majestic architecture of the Dunedin Railway Station, looking incredible after a recent clean and refurbishment.

Dunedin’s Railway Station is the crown jewel of Dunedin attractions. From it’s grand opening in 1906 to present day, it has garnered thousands of admirers, and literally millions of photographs. The exterior commands attention with creamy sand stone, contrasted by dark basalt rock. Radiant terracotta tiles adorn the roof, and a foreboding clock tower is guarded by a troop of fierce looking gargoyles.

Dunedin Railway Station
Clock tower gargoyles

Inside the old ticketing area visitors can gaze up at a spectacular frieze of English Royal Dalton cherubs, circling the entire space, while you walk on 750,000 fancy mosaic tiles, centred with an impressive train motif. From an upstairs balcony you can look down on the ground level and maybe pop into the local art gallery or perhaps view the Sports Museum.

Dunedin Railway Station
One of the Royal Dalton cherubs inside the old ticketing area
Dunedin Railway Station
Some of the 750,000 mosaic tiles on the ticketing floor

The train platform is a great place for taking a photo under the Dunedin Station sign, and on a Saturday locals from all over Dunedin enjoy a farmers market in an adjacent carpark.

Dunedin Railway Station
Workers clean the Dunedin sign so it is spotless for the many photographs sightseers will take under it.

Another aspect often overlooked is the beautiful Anzac square garden outside the front of the station. The flowers and formal hedges are extremely well maintained and I am often drawn to taking an image or 2.

Dunedin Railway Station
Tulips in the Anzac square garden

Of course the Dunedin Railway Station is on the list of destinations with Rams Bottom Tours. It tops any list of things to do in Dunedin and we’d love to show it to you.

Trev Hill

About the Author
Trev Hill is a tour guide for Rams Bottom tours and also a professional photographer. You can view his portfolio at

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